Walk the hallways today with our Seniors! Congratulations to all! #ClassOf2019 #GoSaukees #Saukeesforlife
over 5 years ago, Pikeland Schools
The Pittsfield High School Class of 1954 Scholarship Fund is accepting nominations for the 6th annual Staff Recognition Award. This $1,000 award will be given to a Pikeland teacher or non-certified staff member who has contributed in an outstanding way to the betterment of the district and achievement of its students. Through this award, the Class of 1954 Scholarship Fund seeks to honor those who make a difference in the lives of others through their dedication and service to the Pikeland district, compassion for students, and a willingness to go above and beyond. Prior awardees are Jody Heavner, Barb McKee, Heather Robertson, Sherri Howland, Adam Singler, Steve Ward, Jerred Heinz, and Jolene Smith. To be eligible, staff must be currently employed by Pikeland Unit #10 and nominated by current and former students, parents, colleagues, or community members. Letters of nomination should include the staff member’s full name and building of employment. Most importantly, individuals should explain, in their own words and with specific examples, why the nominee is most deserving of the award. Nominations should include the contact information of the individual making the nomination and be sent via email to: classof1954scholarship@gmail.com. Alternatively, nominations may also be sent to: Class of 1954 Scholarship Fund, PO Box 205, Pittsfield, IL 62363. Nominations must be received by April 1, 2019. Awards will be announced at the end of the academic year.
over 5 years ago, Pikeland Schools
PHS kids doing great things this weekend!
almost 6 years ago, Pikeland Schools
PT conference
2018-2019 State Scholars from Pikeland! Way to go!! #GoSaukees
almost 6 years ago, Pikeland Schools
Pikeland Illinois State Scholars
Winners of the Saukee All-Sport Raffle: $5,000 Marcia Bower $1,000 Phil Bauer $500 Sara McDonald $500 Chris & Casey Rule $500 Betty Hayden $200 Mark Lynch $200 Gary Cox $200 Richie Pressey $100 Katelin Johnson $100 Tim Halpin $100 Brenda Leonard $100 Larry Turner
about 6 years ago, Angie Greger
So proud of Alyana Scranton, a Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation Semifinalist from our school! Learn more about the Coca-Cola Scholars Program $20,000 college scholarship and see a full list of Semifinalists on their website, www.coca colascholars.org. #CokeScholarsSF
about 6 years ago, Angie Greger
Ag Communications class is practicing their non-verbal communication skills.
about 6 years ago, Angie Greger
Kicking off the beginning of the non-verbal communication activity.
Drafting is on the agenda this week in Mr. Lennon's Industrial Technology classes.
about 6 years ago, Angie Greger
Student reviewing his drafting project.
Student working on drafting skills.
Mrs. Musgrave's class had their first cutting of lettuce today. The lettuce plants started out as seeds in their classroom and where transplanted into the tower garden. In addition, they have a couple of tomato plants.
about 6 years ago, Angie Greger
Student helping cut lettuce.
Students checking out the growth of their plants
Freshmen Class showing class spirit!
about 6 years ago, Angie Greger
Freshmen Fload
More pictures from HOCO Sunday Funday!
about 6 years ago, Angie Greger
Freshmen Sheet
Sophomore Sheet
Junior Sheet
What a gorgeous day to kick off HOCO 2018!!
about 6 years ago, Angie Greger
Junior Locker Decoration
Junior Hallway
Senior Hallway
Senior Sheet
PHS Homecoming is next week! Are you ready?? Click on the calendar link below for activity dates and times. http://www.pikeland.net/UserFiles/Servers/Server_78825/File/2018.19%20Pikeland%20Activity%20Calendar.pdf
about 6 years ago, Pikeland Schools
Congratulations Mr.Rylander! KHQA One Classroom At a Time winner from Pittsfield High School! Watch presentstion Friday at 6:00 on KHQA.
about 6 years ago, Pikeland Schools
Great play and victory for the Lady Saukees against Southeastern!
over 6 years ago, Angie Greger
Students helping kick off the game.
Fabulous student section
Students singing the school song
Pikeland staff participating in a Google refresher course this morning.
over 6 years ago, Angie Greger
Google training
Staff updating their Google skills.
Another year has come and gone. Thank you to all of our staff for your work throughout the year! You are greatly appreciated!
over 6 years ago, Pikeland Schools
We honored our retirees this morning! Thank you for all of your years of service. #GoSaukees #wewillmissyou
over 6 years ago, Pikeland Schools
Congratulations to our Class of 1954 award winners Mrs. Jo and Mr. Heinz! Thank you for being so fabulous! #GoSaukees
over 6 years ago, Pikeland Schools
So proud of our seniors!
over 6 years ago, Pikeland Schools