With the new IDPH guidance, Pikeland is able to accommodate more spectators for home volleyball contests. All PHS volleyball players will be issued 4 tickets. Players can distribute to family members for the six remaining home games. These tickets will not be reissued for any reason.
The doors for the JV game will open at 5:30 PM. Please do not try to enter the building before this designated time. Spectators will enter through the far west cafeteria doors, and they will sit on the west bleachers. Family cohorts are encouraged to sit together. Family units sitting together are still expected to socially distance themselves from other spectators in the bleachers.
Attendance capacity for indoor contests will also increase by allowing fully vaccinated individuals to attend home contests. Vaccination cards will be required at the ticket table and must meet the 2 weeks post vaccine requirement. Example: If an individual is fully vaccinated on April 1st, this person could attend a home contest on April 15th and not impact the capacity count in the gym. Individuals using this method of entrance to a home contest will be asked to sit with their family unit/cohort or social distance from other fans. Vaccinated individuals must also follow the mask requirement during the home contest. Fully vaccinated individuals can begin attending home volleyball games on March 29th at PHS.
Spectator Guidance
All spectators should screen for Covid symptoms prior to arriving on Pikeland Unit 10 grounds. Please see the screening questions below.
Doors open for the JV game at 5:30 PM.
Enter through the far west cafeteria door.
Masks are required at all times while inside.
You will enter through the lobby doors and check-in at the table.
Family cohorts are allowed to sit together.
Please socially distance at 6 feet. (applies to cohorts and individuals)
Food or drink from the outside will not be allowed into the school. Concessions will not be available.
Cafeteria bathrooms will be available for use.
There is no entry fee at this time. There will be a box at the check-in table for athletic donations.
Spectator Covid Screening Questions Below
Has someone in your home been COVID tested & waiting for results?
Do you have a temperature of 100.4°F or higher?
Are you taking fever-reducing medicines, such as those that contain aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen in order to reduce your fever?
Have you had close contact with and/or cared for someone with COVID-19 in the past 14 days?
Have you been directed to self-quarantine by a healthcare provider?
Have you been directed to self-quarantine by the County/State Department(s) of Public Health?
Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms? Chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and/or diarrhea.
Please do not attend games if you answer ‘yes’ to any of the screening questions.